Are there things you like or dislike about your experiences with Western Elms and Circuit Lane Surgeries or the NHS currently?

Well, we need your help; we would really like your views so that we can ensure that your experiences are to your satisfaction wherever possible.

The surgery has an active patient group which consists of patients, volunteers and surgery staff. We meet every month to discuss any issues which might need addressing. Sometimes we have guest speakers when all patients are invited to attend. In the past these have proved extremely popular, and occasionally we help the surgery with questionnaires and information gathering.

We need more members … the meetings are held in the surgery early on  a mix of Wednesday evenings and Wednesday lunchtimes and last around 90 minutes. If you cannot spare the time to attend the meetings then perhaps you would consider being a member of our virtual group where your views can be sought by e-mail.

If you are able to help with either option please apply via this website, or email we.patientgroup@nhs.net. Alternatively, ask at reception for a form.

Please help us to help you.