

Find out more about the services we offer

Clinics and Services


Patients with asthma or ‘chronic obstructive pulmonary disease’ (COPD, or ‘chronic bronchitis’, an illness usually caused by smoking) are all welcome to attend an annual review with a Nurse or Practice Pharmacist – both are trained to do spirometry and standard asthma/COPD checkups

Covid Vaccination

Get information about COVID-19 vaccination, who can get it, and safety and side effects

Learn more about COVID-19 vaccinations on the NHS website


Our diabetes service is led by Fernie Isogon, one of our practice nurses, but all of our nurses are trained to do standard diabetes checks. If you are a new diabetic, though, then you should see Fernie for your initial assessment. All diabetics over the age of 16 years are invited to attend, although those on insulin may also be seen at the Royal Berkshire Hospital Diabetes Centre (Melrose House).

Family Planning


You do not have to tell the reception staff why you wish to see us.

Western Elms and Circuit Lane Surgeries has always provided a full family planning service in-house, and this is proving more popular than ever.  All the doctors and our family planning nurses are able to provide family planning advice and prescriptions in their ordinary surgeries.

We offer the full range of contraceptive methods, including contraceptive injections, implants, the ‘pill’ (combined oral contraceptive), the ‘mini-pill’ (progesterone-only oral contraceptive), coils (including the hormonal coil, or intra-uterine system), emergency contraception, barrier methods and advice/referral for sterilisation.

If you need a coil or implant removal/insertion you may be seen on a Saturday morning with Dr Shakur or at our sister surgery Circuit Lane.

We are also very happy to provide contraceptive services and advice to teenagers, no matter how young.  The same rules of confidentiality apply to teenagers, as with adults – in other words, if you wish a medical consultation to be secret from your parents, the doctor or nurse has to respect this wish.

Flu Vaccination

Find information about the flu jab, including who should have it, why and when

Learn more about flu vaccinations on the NHS website

Heart Disease/Strokes and Blocked Arteries (Cardiovascular Disease)

All patients with these diseases are invited to attend for reviews with any of our nurses, at least once per year. The checks focus on tackling risk factors (obesity, smoking, cholesterol) and making sure any drug treatment is optimal. More recently, this service has expanded to include preventative checkups on people aged between 40 and 75 who may be at risk of cardiovascular disease.

Minor Surgery

Minor operations are currently performed at Circuit Lane Surgery.

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